As a Psychotherapist with an Advanced diploma in BWRT level 3 Psychophysiology, I was so intrigued by the fantastic findings and work of the founder Terence Watts in that by using the brain in conjunction with the immune system we are able to produce fantastic results with conditions such as, Type ii diabetes, under active and overactive Thyroid, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Adrenal problems, Irritable bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s, Ulcerative and other bowel conditions.
In November last year after many months of research I produced my first protocol to help with the condition Dry Eye Syndrome which has been tested along with all of the above conditions and is successfully being used to help clients with these conditions.
I have now produced my second protocol to help with Rheumatoid Arthritis which has been approved subject to testing, so exciting times ahead.
If you have one of the above auto-immune conditions and would like to improve your condition now, please contact me for a free initial consultation to discuss how I can help you or how you could become a test case for new protocols.
Auto-immune conditions develop as a result of the body’s defence system attacking its good cells causing havoc and destroying the body’s own tissue, cartilage, bone and organs, such as in the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis which is a very unforgiving disease.
Although, most medical articles say that the trigger for auto-immune conditions is not known, there is evidence that these conditions appear to be more prevalent in those who have had contracted severe infections either bacterial or viral which have required lengthy treatment of anti-antibiotics, anti-viral s and steroids to stabilise such conditions. The environment may also play a big part where there may be exposure to fumes, chemicals and heavy metals.
In addition I have seen many clients and know of a number of friends acquaintances through the years that were suffering from auto immune conditions and hearing that they have had experienced a severe psychological emotional response to something serious that has happened to them in their lives such as the loss of a child, loved one or as a result of being physically and psychologically being injured in an accident or being physically or emotionally abused or in a constant state of anxiety, resulting in their bodies being in the Fight Flight’ state response over a prolonged period which causes high production of cortisol and adrenaline which has been proved to negatively affect the immune system.
The medical profession for many years has prescribed medications to ease and help the symptoms, and these conditions can go into remission but will often flare again in response to emotional upset, anxiety and other environmental factors.
Research over the past 15 to 20 years has shown that whereas it was thought that the brain did not have a part in the cause of auto-immune conditions but that it was the bodies chemical responses that were responsible, this is no longer the case.
Groundbreaking research has proved that the brain does play a significant part as coded messages that are sent to the brain to tell it that there is a problem do not seem to be sending the correct response for the problem, resulting in the wrong production in quantity of antibodies and the onset of these auto-immune conditions.
It is likely to be many years before any new treatment will be generally available for all these conditions to be treated on the NHS.
I went to see Jacqui last year as I had some issues around self-esteem and felt that I was procrastinating. Jacqui was brilliant, we went through techniques that helped me to clear things that I didn't even realise were holding me back. Since then I have achieved so much including releasing my first children's book. I would recommend her to anyone. Gabrielle Brierley
Hi Jacqui Just thought I would drop you a message to let you know that I managed to fly on holiday with no anxiety on the outboard flight actually enjoying most of it and minimal anxiety on the return flight which was manageable so whatever you did must have worked, thank you!
Jon Williams
I cannot recommend Jacqui enough and thank her for everything she has done for me. To have your life back and feel happy again is the best feeling in the world.
Dear Jacqui, I just want to express my sincere thanks on behalf of P and I for your kindness in the way you dealt with P and resolved her fear and also for resolving mine. I did not realise that my fear could be transferred to my daughter, I can't thank you enough, great therapy
Since starting my sessions with Jacqui I feel like a different person. Initially, I was seeking help for my chronic hives, which I had been suffering with for two and a half years. Jacqui is a great listener, kind and caring. She helped me get to the root of my problems and together we addressed many issues which were causing me stress and anxiety. I cannot recommend Jacqui enough and thank her from the bottom of my heart for everything she has done for me.