A Precious Life
JSN Therapies - Powerful, Effective, Therapeutic Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & BWRT To make an appointment or enquiry please call​ 01245 361111

A Precious Life

Posted on: 20-Jul-2018 08:05:52

This morning I received some shockingly sad news; one of my ex-colleagues a really lovely guy, who had a great sense of humour, was talented, kind, full of ambition took his life yesterday.

How can this happen?

How can someone feel that life is not worth living anymore?

Depression can be such a very dark illness, and so many cannot see a way out of the tunnel of depression.

I understand that not everyone wants to be helped or feels they can be helped, but there is help in many different forms that can help you.

If you are feeling down and depressed, don’t allow those feelings to totally consume you.

Please don't end up as another statistic, life is so precious.

Seek out help from your GP, a Therapist or Counsellor today.


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