Auto-Immune Conditions
JSN Therapies - Powerful, Effective, Therapeutic Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & BWRT To make an appointment or enquiry please call​ 01245 361111

Auto-Immune Conditions

Posted on: 04-Jun-2019 15:25:45
Auto-Immune Conditions

Hello it’s TC with an update :

April and May has proved to be some positive months as I have been working with 5 new client’s with auto-immune conditions, two with under active Thyroid and 3 with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Working with clients with these conditions, it is interesting to note that they all developed their auto-immune condition shortly after a dramatic experience that has caused them extreme stress and a shock to the body.

Two of these clients have already shown promising results, the other 3 are very recent referrals so still undergoing BWRT level1 Therapy.

Using BWRT, I am able to assist my clients and remove the sting out of the dramatic experience or experiences and work with them to rebuild their confidence and help them to use their brain to assist their bodies to repair, ease their symptoms and reduce pain.

Working with Rheumatoid Arthritis is still being trialed by me a I would like to invite more people with Rheumatoid Arthritis to contact me.

As this is still a working progress my usual fee will be reduced for this condition.

So if you have Rheumatoid Arthritis or another auto immune condition why not contact me and arrange a free 30 minute consultation either in person, by phone or zoom/skype linked meeting.

Call me on 0771785699 or email me at

Areas local to Chelmsford, Essex

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