Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking
JSN Therapies - Powerful, Effective, Therapeutic Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & BWRT To make an appointment or enquiry please call​ 01245 361111

Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Posted on: 20-Feb-2018 10:01:31
Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Smoking: an addictive habit which can have severely adverse effects on your health. Many who become addicted struggle to stop, despite many attempts. After trying several methods to quit and being unable to, you may feel ready to give up. Fortunately, hypnosis is a fantastic way to change your habits for the better.

JSN Therapies can help stop your cravings, relaxing your mind. When you’re in this altered state of awareness, your hypnotherapist will give you several phrases to repeat to yourself. These could be sayings such as “Smoking is harmful” or “My body needs to stay safe to live” – your mind is more susceptible to these ideas but you’re in no way unaware of your surroundings. They could also suggest that smoking is horrible, saying that it smells like a swamp or tastes like cardboard. These unpleasant outcomes, once placed into your unconscious mind, can reduce your longings for a cigarette.

There are many benefits to using hypnosis to quit smoking. It can help reduce your risk of cancer, heart attacks, strokes and other fatal illnesses: your body will definitely profit from your decision. You will also feel cleaner: without the tar on your lungs or around your teeth, you’ll be able to breathe easily and smile happily. It’s a quick method with so many fantastic outcomes.

But does hypnosis actually work? A review in 2012 revealed that it going through the process can have a positive impact on your health. This was also supported by the American Cancer Society, which listed it as an official method to quit smoking for good. By utilizing JSN Therapies’ services, your chances of breaking this harmful habit are boosted, helping you to live longer without a high risk of falling ill.

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